Saturday, May 1, 2010

Graduation Day

UF couldn't have picked a hotter day to held its annual Graduation Ceremony, it's said to be the hottest day ever since last October, with 94 degrees highest. You still need to wear cap and gown and pose like a hundred thousand of times in the sun, just thinking about it makes me sweat. It's THE biggest day ever, most of them have suffered four years for this very day, so a little sweat wouldn't be that much of a problem.

It just reminds me of the two graduation ceremonies that I missed. The first one at SYSU, I booked a flight prior to the ceremony; second one at HKUST, I couldn't make it back to Hong Kong. It seems I have this little thing with graduation ceremony. How many graduation ceremonies could one have in his/her entire life, I've already missed two, and am not sure if there's gonna be a third one; if there ever was, I might've still missed it for whatever reason there is.

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